
Maternity stable: the heart of your pig farm

Hygiene according to the highest standards

For seamless finishing of floor and wall

The maternity pen is the heart of your farm, as a maternity unit in a hospital. It is the one place where hygiene is of utmost importance according to the highest standards in force.

With our HyCo systems, we ensure a seamless finish for both the floor and the walls, connecting these surfaces with seamless skirting so that germs and other microorganisms havenowhere to hide.

Benefits of hygienic coatings in the farrowing pen:

High chemical resistance
Durable floor finish: longer lifetime
Safe surface thanks to anti-slip
Lower infection pressure of the concrete
Optimal hygiene: easier cleaning

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coating vleesvarkenstal
varkensstal coating

Curious about the benefits of Mesa HyCo?

Market leader for agricultural businesses

At Mesa Coatings, we know the strict hygiene standards and local regulations that you have
o meet. We have been the leader for agricultural companies for years. This allows us to provide you with the best advice on commercial pig farming, tailored to the specific challenges you face. Our hygienic coatings guarantee optimal hygiene for your commercial pig farm. Let us know what you need and our experienced specialists will advise you on the best solutions.

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